For most funeral homes their marketing plan centers around neighborhood walk-ins and referrals. While this traffic is always welcome, its unpredictable and unreliable.
There are tens of thousands of people that are not referred or do not walk into a funeral home. These funeral services originate from a Google search. Just look at the traffic counts for only two funeral home related keywords below.
There is a whole population of people that don’t come by referral and won’t “walk-in” to your funeral home. All of them turn to the Internet to find your business. In this case over 60,000 turned to Google last month.
New business through the Internet can be measured, assuring its reliability and predictability every month. Combine that with neighborhood walk-ins and referrals and you have the foundation for a multi-million dollar funeral home business.
We specialize in getting more neighborhood exposure for funeral homes over the internet with great results. We start by evaluating your website, show you where improvement needs to be made and provide you with a clear cut precise strategy to drive more services and revenue to your bottom line. We will map this out for you all free of charge.