Monthly Archives: December 2015

Funeral Home Marketing

As professional marketers in the funeral home industry, we have learned to put into practice a few coordinated concepts that have proven to generate new business for our clients. For those of you looking to build a secure, multi-million dollar funeral home business, I am going to lay out a blueprint.

To be successful in marketing your funeral services, you’ve got to adapt a number of the right marketing strategies all working together to make your business strong and help you grow dramatically. Not all marketing concepts or ideas are right for the funeral home business. In addition, not all marketing companies offer the right strategies for the funeral home business. A company that also does SEO for a bakery or a clothing boutique or a hair dresser is not going to know what the best strategies to use for your business. It’s not a one size fits all approach and it’s not going to work because they don’t specialize in you and your funeral home business. Choosing the wrong strategies or wrong company to do it for you can be expensive with little results.

The goal is not about getting a great ranking on Google, that’s only part of a strategy. The goal is to get your phone to ring placing you or your team in a position to convert those calls into clients and that comes from putting together the right funeral marketing strategies and executing them well. The goal should be generating more quality services per month.

So Instead of adapting one or two strategies that you think might work and hoping those strategies will generate some revenue, we have incorporated a specific multi step funeral marketing strategy all working at the same time that will result in more calls and more sales by getting your internet marketing right.

Our presentation to you is designed to provide a clear, concise plan to build a secure, multi-million dollar funeral home business by taking the right strategy and approach towards Funeral Home SEO and Marketing.